Happy New Year to one and all
Thank you to everyone who has joined Amped Music Therapy on it's journey so far. It has been a very interesting year for Amped's first year in existence and has been a privilege and pleasure to make music with you. In some cases we have only ever met virtually!
What an incredible achievement to be proud of. Not only getting out of comfort zones and making music with someone you've never met, but doing it all at home with your slippers on, playing instruments made out of items you found in your house! If only being stuck at home was always this fun!
Wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2021 as we tentatively step into the new year...
Now let's not be unrealistic and place too much expectation on what will be another very challenging year. If we look at the new year as a whole, there is a chance to feel completely overwhelmed with the weight of what is ahead. Instead, I am going to invite you to look at some reasons for you to be happy TODAY and bring that focus into what we appreciate RIGHT NOW and how we can move forwards into tomorrow, literally.
Here are my reasons for being happy today..
Sunrises are late and can be enjoyed wholeheartedly at a normal morning hour. Purposefully take a minute to take a look. Have a little stretch. Take 5 deep breaths and let the mind settle. Set an intention for the day - what do you want to achieve today? Say it out loud for everyone or no one but yourself to hear.
We have been told to stay at home. We are never told to stay at home! What can you find around the house? Are you holding on to memories? Photos? Dreams? Now is the best time of year to look through old stuff and enjoy the feeling of looking back or looking forward. We may not be able to actually go anywhere at the moment but it's the perfect time to clear out and get ready for when we can. Why not try to reduce what huge pile of memories into a couple of organised boxes. One for sharing and one for you. Put the things you don't want to keep anymore in to a charity bag, offer to friends or sacrificially wave goodbye and get ready to put it in a bin or fireplace near you as soon as you can get to one.
Technology is a great connector. It's 2021 now, theres no excuse! Call someone who you think might appreciate a call. Someone who might be isolated, living far away, someone who might have experienced loss or may be feeling a little under the weather. Call someone you haven't spoken to for a long time and reminisce about times when the sun was out and life was carefree. Call someone you miss just to say hi.
And if all of that feels a little bit too much right now, jump up, make your bed, make a cup of tea, put the radio on and dance.
One of my favourite morning rituals is to listen to Radio 6 music morning show with Lauren Laverne. She mixes good times music and soul food tunes into 3 hours of joy and a great reason to get up and dance around the house.
Tomorrow (Thursday 7th Jan) she is putting together a Power themed people's playlist to help people through the lockdown on BBC 6 music. You can always listen back on BBC Sounds on your digital radio, phone, iPad or web browser or click the link below to 6 music's main page:
Whatever you're doing, remember there are lots of reasons why today is special. You can make this year a good one by appreciating the little things and getting prepared inside and out for all the challenges this year will bring, 1 day at a time.
Want to find out more about what music therapy can do for you or someone you know, please get in touch via the contact button at the top of this page and say hello.